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Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21-27

Summer is truly here. On Monday the Sun enters Cancer for the next month, and on Friday Mercury will join in. On Saturday the Capricorn Full Moon creates a lot of emotional energy, and it is also the first lunar eclipse of the year.

On Summer Solstice it is time to celebrate the Sun reaching the most northerly boundary of its yearly journey. On friday mercury takes its place nearest the Sun in Cancer. Emphasis will be on women's issues, families, real estate, and anything that concerns emotional security. WOW what does that leave not covered? Although a lunar eclipse is is not considered to be as strong an influence as a solar eclipse, take precautions to be on the safe side. Avoid schedulingan event of signiicance such as a wedding, a divorce, a major move, or surgery.

If your birthday falls on or within a day of June 26, this eclipse could mark a very important year for you.

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