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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week of June 28th - July 4th

The Sun & Mercury are still in the sign of Cancer. The energy shifts however on Wednesday, when the Moon sits next to dreamy Neptune in Aquarius. This unusual combination can be creative and scientific, so all of you sci-fi writers become inspired. also be sure to write down any dreams you may have so you can study them at a later date. Watch out Thursday when the Pisces Moon opposes a critical Mars in Virgo you could have a heated argument. On Friday have an adventure that takes you beyond your comfort zone. Ending the week with the Holiday a feisty Aries Moon and the emotional Cancer Sun. Choices, choices, choices........

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21-27

Summer is truly here. On Monday the Sun enters Cancer for the next month, and on Friday Mercury will join in. On Saturday the Capricorn Full Moon creates a lot of emotional energy, and it is also the first lunar eclipse of the year.

On Summer Solstice it is time to celebrate the Sun reaching the most northerly boundary of its yearly journey. On friday mercury takes its place nearest the Sun in Cancer. Emphasis will be on women's issues, families, real estate, and anything that concerns emotional security. WOW what does that leave not covered? Although a lunar eclipse is is not considered to be as strong an influence as a solar eclipse, take precautions to be on the safe side. Avoid schedulingan event of signiicance such as a wedding, a divorce, a major move, or surgery.

If your birthday falls on or within a day of June 26, this eclipse could mark a very important year for you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week of June 14 -20

Hello, fellow stargazers
This week features Venus because on Monday the planet ruling love will make a change in it's sign. Going from Cancer moving into an entirely different realm of fiery Leo. Leo is all about how you love yourself also how you make your money and who you have as your partner. Love relationships will tend to be dramatic, playful and romantic. It will be in this position for the next four weeks. A great time to host that party, have that celebration or just get together with friends. Wednesday is the day to get things done. You will want to go with the flow on Saturday. It will be much less frustrating if you do because of the tension between the Sun and Saturn. Leaving life to turn in a much more productive direction.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 - 13th

Get ready fellow stargazers to start talking. Mercury and Gemini are in the spotlight this week. Thursday Mercury exits the sign of Taurus and enters Gemini it's favorite zodiac position. On the other hand Mars leaves Leo to enter Virgo, the energy is focused on finding ways to be more organized, careful and practical. The next two months are best for checking on your health also. Virgo is a very health conscious sign, so don't keep putting off that visit to the doctor. On Thursday Mercury our messenger of the Gods will shift the energy and you will feel like you just can't stop talking. On Saturday the week ends with a wonderful new moon in Gemini, joining our Sun in Gemini, to make new beginnings, connecting all the dots that appeared to be unrelated. So speak your mind, but be ready to be challenged. Have a GREAT week!!!!!